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Olivia Kirsch, Global Events Manager - COS

‘My relationship with Vica started when COS was set to launch in Hungary and I couldn’t have asked for a more accomplished Account Director to represent our brand. From the very beginning, Vica had an incredible sense of strategy and understanding of our desires and expectations. Her efficiency and proficiency for both the creative and administrative played a key role in our successful launch and I am thankful that I had such a dedicated partner to guide us in this new territory.’


Eszter Felkai, Founder and Director - BigBag PR Agency

'[...] I am not sure if she is a better journalist, a better account director to such brands as COS or TONI&GUY or she is a better event planner and manager. She is definitely multitalented. She can easily balance between fashion, design, art and sustainability that is always on her radar. As an environmental activist, a cool mother of two, a rare employee and as a good friend she is a real gem. [...]'

For the full recommendation letter of Eszter Felkai please click here


Krisztina Dóra - Freelance Show Coordinator

'Vica is a hard-worker. Enthusiastic, full of wit, creativity and charisma. She puts her soul into the work and you can really feel that she cares about the results. She is a special spark, what would benefit for any team.'

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